Youth Video Contest 2023

Youth Video Contest 2023



Digital and Socio-Political Context of the Thought and Ideas of Alija Izetbegovic


The legacy of Alija Izetbegovic and his though and ideas has always been a source of inspiration, guidance and lessons. His monumental works have been further explored by world leading scholars in their books, articles and speeches. With launching the youth video contest 2023, the Museum Alija Izetbegovic aims to open new digital platform for the articulation and the promotion of Izetbegovic’s though and ideas, especially among the youth and students. Thus, we plan to organize a video contest every year to open opportunity for students to express their creativity and to win awards for their works. The ultimate objective is youth engagement with the thought and ideas of Alija Izetbegovic and their creative digital and video presentation. Thus, proposed video topic allows students to tackle the video subject from very broad interdisciplinary perspectives. The video subject might treat integrated subtopics related to geographical accounts, key events, interviews, specific statements, social issues, politics, thought, culture, education, development and others.

This contest requires knowledge on the subject and as well as knowledge of technology, video editing and documentary making, therefore Museum of Alija Izetbegovic invites university students majoring in related studies to submit their videos. Our young people belong to the generation Z and they are already trained to use modern technologies. Therefore, the contest is open to students from all disciplines, including specialized disciplines like visual arts, cinematography, communication, digital media and film.

Students may use their high-quality cameras, smart phones, computers, specialized video programs, and video making tools like, canva pro,, iMovie or WeVideo to make their video for the contest. Prepared videos might be in the form of an animation, narrated video, documentary style, interview, story play etc. We encourage young students to explore written, audio, video and digital sources on the though and ideas of Alija Izetbegovic in the Museum’s collection and with the help of our staff. The contestants may explore basic video tutorials from PBS Learning Media (

For the sake of engaging more students from different countries and universities this youth project is partnered with the International University of Sarajevo.

Apart from selecting and awarding the best videos we are excited to host digital exhibition of twenty best selected videos.


  • All contestants must be students currently enrolled at a university in undergraduate or graduate programs in any discipline.
  • A video could be prepared individually or by a team of students
  • Local and international submissions are encouraged


Video will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Subject of a Video (Digital and Socio-Political Context of the Thought and Ideas of Alija Izetbegovic)
  • Creativity and Originality (the professional help/assistance from their professors but the video must primarily be the work of the students).
  • Duration (5-8 minutes long)
  • Production Quality
  • Video Format MP4 Format and 1080p Resolution (or higher)
  • Copyright, discrimination and inappropriateness
  • Fill in Contest Form


Authors must fill in the Video Form to provide biographical information and to authorize Museum of Alija Izetbegovic to use, reprint, distribute and display submitted video for different purposes without additional consent from the authors. The contestants are responsible for copy-right materials used in their videos.

Best Awards

  • First place (1,000 KM)
  • Second place (500 KM)
  • Third place (250 KM)


May 01-August 31, 2023 Video Submission via

September 25, 2023 Judging and Video Review

October 10, 2023 Awarding Best Three Videos

October 22-27 Digital Video Exhibition of Twenty Best Videos

Organizers: Museum “Alija Izetbegovic” and International University of Sarajevo


Please submit Your Contest Form and wetransfer link with Your video on: